A Better Understanding of Personalized Search

Over the years, search results have become increasingly complex and that trend is likely to continue. The traditional model of 10 blue links and rank checking is no longer accurate as users are receiving results that are increasingly customized to them. As results are becoming more personalized, it’s valuable to better understand how personalized search results are being presented to users.

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A Disconnect in App Store SEO: Going Beyond ASO

There is an enormous ecosystem of search activity happening around mobile app discovery, but there appears to be a  disconnect in marketing strategy when it comes to using Inbound Marketing channels to drive mobile app installs. When it comes to search, a lot of attention has been given to App Store Optimization (ASO) to optimize apps for search inside of an app store. In all fairness, this channel has presented significant opportunity, but too often, major players in the mobile space are treating mobile and web as independent of lines business, instead of leveraging search demand on the web (a traditional Google search) to drive traffic to a mobile application. More often, they’re using paid channels to drive discovery.

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Technical Hacks for Content Marketing

It seems like you can’t get through a week without hearing about “Content Marketing” or “Content Strategy”. These strategies call for increasingly complicated pieces of content, including “Big Content”, video, data visualization, photography, and robust design. Demands for Content are Growing This progression creates a problem for SEOs. There is a skill gap that exists across a …

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Content-Based Retargeting Strategy

Although I hate the phrase “content marketing”, I want talk about leveraging content to drive business metrics beyond top of funnel traffic. In my presentation in Boston earlier this year, I talked about how to think about users, not traffic, when approaching a link building campaign.

You should be doing the same with your content.

By tackling metrics like COCA, ARPU and LTV, SEO can be used to monetize demand in a way that pure traffic chasing can’t.

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Impact of Keyword Cannibalization: Beyond The SEO

Keyword Cannibalization. Duplicate Content. Crawl Priority. All of these are inherently SEO jargon, which can downplay the significance of such problems to boards, exec teams, or senior management. These problems sometimes exist due to information architecture problems or issues with the CMS. However, keyword cannibalization can be the result of a much larger, strategic problem for a company. A problem that can significantly minimize realized revenue. Let’s step out of SEO for a moment and look at some economic aspects of such a problem.

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