On-page SEO for NLP

Traditional on-page SEO guidance is to target a primary phrase, its near-related terms, and its longtail variants by using them in the text and placing them in strategic locations on the page (i.e., title, headings, early in content, throughout content). However, writing for Natural Language Processing, or NLP, requires some additional steps and considerations. Managing …

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Technical Hacks for Content Marketing

It seems like you can’t get through a week without hearing about “Content Marketing” or “Content Strategy”. These strategies call for increasingly complicated pieces of content, including “Big Content”, video, data visualization, photography, and robust design. Demands for Content are Growing This progression creates a problem for SEOs. There is a skill gap that exists across a …

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Content-Based Retargeting Strategy

Although I hate the phrase “content marketing”, I want talk about leveraging content to drive business metrics beyond top of funnel traffic. In my presentation in Boston earlier this year, I talked about how to think about users, not traffic, when approaching a link building campaign.

You should be doing the same with your content.

By tackling metrics like COCA, ARPU and LTV, SEO can be used to monetize demand in a way that pure traffic chasing can’t.

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